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Re: May Laurel Acceptances and Returns
Poster: Michael and MJ Houghton <herveus@access.digex.net>
> Poster: PETERSR@spiegel.becltd.com (Peters, Rise J.)
> Lady Rhiannon Ui Neill, Triton Principal Herald, Atlantia wrote:
> >>The name is being returned for lack of documentation. The armory is
> >> being returned for a redraw, as it was not clear, even on the large
> >> emblazon, whether the animal was a cow as blazon, or a goat, what
> >>the submitter apparently wanted.
> How does this work? When I submitted my device, I was told not to worry
> about the fact that I can't draw, that if my drawing wasn't good enough to
> make it clear that I meant a dumbek and not a goblet, the heralds would look
> at the blazon and judge accordingly.
Caitlin, your memory is not failing you. There has always been considerable
slack cut for submitters whose drawing skills were not so hot. However, one
non-negotiable requirement for a drawing is that the items on it be
In Caitlin's case, a dumbek and a goblet can have a remarkably similar
profile by the inherent nature of the two items. The item blazoned a dumbek
was clearly in the envelope, and had the details to clearly indicate its
dumbek-ness. In Kofryna's case, the charge was not clearly a goat, nor was
it clearly a cow. I know. I saw it when we sent it out of kingdom, and we
had some concerns then, and I was at the Laurel meeting. The drawing was not
so much *bad* as *indistinct*. By that, I mean that it was clearly an animal,
but the hind quarters (and apparent udder) were very bovine, while the
head had horns suggesting (along with the name) goat-ness. Given that level
of ambiguity, Laurel felt it better to return it to allow the submitter to
more clearly indicate what they meant with a modified drawing.
This dilemma somes up regularly: is it an X? or a Y? The submitter clearly
wants X, but the drawing has too much Y-ness... What's a Laurel to do?
I hope this helps identify where in the murk of the gray parts we define
black vice white.
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