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Re: Bovine Visions

Poster: John Strauss <jstrauss@gmu.edu>

> Henry wrote:
> > 
> > -Henry, still trying to get his OWN goat arms passed
> Have you submitted them yet?
> Herveus

I sure have. I make it a point to submit arms now and again, just to see
what happens. I have, however, resolved that this will be my last attempt. 
I have paid for this alleged service three times since 1989 and have
nothing to show for it.  If it happens again, I will pick arms I like and
simply use them.


       John Strauss             |    Henry Best, OP       
       Lexington, KY            |    Dragonsmark, Midrealm      
       jstrauss@gmu.edu         |    "Jugate Potentum Gaudii"

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