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Pennsic Juggling Practice

Poster: John Strauss <jstrauss@gmu.edu>

Juggling Practice    -Master Henry Best  (M-F @ 11 AM) 

Fools, jugglers, conjurors, sword swallowers, fire eaters, ventriloquists,
tumblers, acrobats, and other suchlike performers of acts freakish and
remarkable: Let us gather together in a convivial setting and share tricks
and secrets amongst ourselves; for surely, were such a merry convocation
to take place, we would each take our pleasure in learning and teaching,
and depart the richer. I bid you bring whatever toys are relevant to your
craft and repair you to the Arts and Sciences Table at the proper time.
But I abjure you against any mischief there against those worthy clerks,
for they are our wise and generous hosts, and will show us a goodly place
for our glad company to assemble.

       John Strauss             |    Henry Best, OP       
       Lexington, KY            |    Dragonsmark, Midrealm      
       jstrauss@gmu.edu         |    "Jugate Potentum Gaudii"

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