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Re: Terms of address

Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>

Aileen importunes:
> Alfredo, please please please tell me that you meant to say "test" not
> "taste."
> As a lady stickjock, I think such a request would lead to a sudden
> improvement in the force of my snaps. On the other hand, I might be laughing
> too hard to fight.

'Twas not I but rather Master Vuong Manh who suggested the phrase,
"Gentle warrior, may I have the honor of tasting your prowess?"
However, I understtod him to mean "taste" in the sense that Hotspur
meant in King Henry IV, Part 1:

           [...] Come, let me taste my horse,
        Who is to bear me like a thunderbolt
        Against the bosom of the Prince of Wales

Of course I could be wrong.

-- Alfredo el Bufon
De probationibus non est disputandum
There's no accounting for test.
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