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For the Corporate A&S Officer

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

[I am attempting to post this to the following addresses: please assist if
they bounce?  This is on behalf of the Corporate A&S Officer Thanks.
-- Tibor.  

ansteorra@eden.com	antir@mail.orst.edu	atenveldt@atenveldt.org
atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu	calontir@unl.edu	carolingia@bloom-beacon,mit.edu
culinary@u.washington.edu	ealdormere-l@informer1.CIS.McMaster.CA
jaymin@maths.tcd.ie	meridies@web.ce.utk.edu		minstrel@pbm.com
northshield@stolaf.edu	outlands@unm.edu	sca-aethelmearc@andrew.cmu.edu
sca-caid@anthrax.ecst.csuchico.edu	sca-chroniclers@dnaco.net
sca-east@world.std.com	sca-fence@middlebridge.midrealm.org
sca-middle@dnaco.net	sca-west@anthrax.ecst.csuchico.edu

Unto the populace of the Known World does Mistress Juelda of 
Salisbury, Corporate Minister of Art and Sciences send fair greetings 
and wishes for good health.

Good Cousins,

First I would like to thank all of the people who worked so hard on 
the Known World  Arts and Sciences Symposium that was held this past 
May in the Barony of Carolingia.  The hospitality, feast and classes 
were wonderful and I do again most heartily thank you all.  

Now is the time to start planning on next years Symposium.  I have a 
Special Projects Deputy who will be in charge of coordinating the bids 
for next years event.  If your group would like to host the Symposium 
or you would like more information, please contact:

Marcia Schlemm
7510 Grand Ave.
Kansas City, MO  64114
(816) 361-0723
Att: The Honorable Lady Baroness Katrei Grunenberg

Her Excellency does not have E-mail access but does have an answering 
machine for you to leave any messages you need.

My thanks and pray you know, I remain in service,

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