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Fwd: Midrealm Event Query

Poster: GUNDSPHOTO@aol.com

Forwarded message:
Subj:    Re: Midrealm Event Query
Date:    97-06-13 13:24:50 EDT
To:      stephancm@juno.com
CC:      atlantia@atlantia.sca.org

In a message dated 97-06-13 08:19:48 EDT, you write:

<< I will be stuck in Chicago over the weekend of June 21-22.  I would be
 interested in attending an event if one can be found near O'Hare
 Airport.  I am also looking for a ride to the event, if possible.  In
 advance, I appreciate the help.
 Stephan of Caer Mear >>

Greetings from Caer Anterth Mawr, (Milwaukee, WI)  well its not a real good
weekend to be here, (Lilies War is on this weekend) but this is what’s going
on that I know about.  

May 20,21,22  Swine & Roses VIII,  it in White waters, south bend, IN

This is taken from the news letter the Pale.  and North Watch. (like I said
not a lot going on in the area.)  you can find this on the web too. at
 <A HREF="http://www.execpc.com/~maclaird/">Barony of Caer Anterth Mawr</A>  
<A HREF="http://www.dakota.net/~angusmcl/northshield.html"> SCA - Principality
 of the Northshield</A> 

But this is only the things I know about.  If you like here in Milwaukee we
have a Sunday afternoon Practice at our own site in Milwaukee, you are more
then welcome to come up and see us.

Yours in service
lord Armond Le Charpentier

a.k.a. George Gundlach

an atlantian living in the Middle.

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