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Re: *Efenwealt's 1001 dancing llamas*
Poster: mn13189@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU
On Fri, 13 Jun 1997, Efenwealt Wystle wrote:
> To Eogan MacLariabiubuabmbdhammen: On your see and say, I'd prefer to go
> "hummmmmm" like llamas do when they graze. The heralds say "wanna wanna
> wanna wanna wanna wanna wa". Royal Bard, yeah right...
Shows how much you know. I was using the Middle English spelling of
"wanna wanna wanna," which, as I'm sure Alfredo will verify with his OED,
was spelled "Mwha-wha-wa" in at least 2 manuscripts, and "mhwa hwa" in one
Lanarkshire record. And you call yourself a scholar! May your testicles
be enshrined in a pig's turd! (Which actually is a Chaucer quote).
> To Everyone Else: Thanks for the llama advice, especially Malcolm. Also
> it looks like there will be an all day "bardic" room at the Kingdom A&S
> Festival. Please stop by, listen, perform if you want, talk to other
> performers, bring music maybe we can jam.
Sounds cool. Will your dancing Llamas be there. We can invite the Camels
in from our Celtic Jihad.
(who next month aspires to be the real Efen)
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