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Triplette Arms, was Re: atlantia V1 #360
Poster: blackbow@sprynet.com
On Fri, 13 Jun 1997, bearslayer@juno.com (Christopher M Dawson) wrote:
>Poster: bearslayer@juno.com (Christopher M Dawson)
>On Fri, 13 Jun 1997 03:25:17 EDT teege1@juno.com (Thomas J Kirchner)
>>>Cristopharus filius Philippi >Barony of Caer Mear/Atlantia
>>NOOOOOOO... Check out the stuff from Tripplette Competition Arms... I
>>In chivalrous service to Atlantia,
>>Thomas von Leipzig Thomas Kirchner Teege1@juno.com
>Begging pardon, but stay away from Tripplette competition Foils... Alot
>of faults have been found with their FOIL blades since last year's
>stabing in Trimiaris
>In Service,
Actually, the way I heard it was that the foil in question had already been
disallowed for competition, and the gentle in question didn't realize that the
marshals meant *at all*, and not just for tournament play, and used it in
practice. AFAIK, nobody's ever had a problem with a TCA foil if it was good to
start with. But that last is simply hearsay on my part. Nikolai, any
documented problems with fresh-off-the shelf stuff?
Ld. Jonathan Blackbow
Clan O'Shannon
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