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Re: bOf!

Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <Neilltl@ptsc.slg.eds.com>

>Hold on.. so that means the only structure within the blade of thw sword
>is... the foam and the outer shell of duct-tape?!!!
>that would be way to flexible, wouldnt it?

Short swords, Thomas.  Think short swords.

Robin Griffaud has posted that he likes to use the closed cell foam 'water
weenies' that you can buy at Walmart for just that reason.

Remember - *Nothing* I posted, including an ollllld post if mine someone just
re-posted, is official Atlantian policy.  There is no official Atlantian policy
yet.  Lady Rosine of Rowanwald is developing one.

Read Lord Robin's post for more information about what is developing in

        - Anarra
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