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Re: a tied up Don Juan

Poster: Scott Burke <stopspam.sburke@exis.net>

>Date: Mon, 16 Jun 1997 22:57:38 -0400
>To: atlantia
>From: Patricia Burke <stopspam.sburke@exis.net>
>Subject: Re: a tied up Don Juan
>At 18:11 6/16/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>Poster: viking@groupz.net (Doug Munitz,Sven Olafssen,Maria Munitz)
>>>Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>
>>>Miriam really wrote:
>>>>>A thorny fellow, watch out for his prick!
>>>>>      It had to be said.
>>>>>         Miriam--un real
>>>>I see you rose to the occasion...
>>>I guess I'll just ahve to backpetal on this one.
>>>In service,
>>You know, my Lords and Ladies, this REALLY didnt need to be said, but now
>>that someone has brought it up, I see I must stem the tide.
>>Lord Sven
>Just what was the root of this discussion?

My Lords and Ladies,

Pardon me for cutting in.  Has this conversation branched far enough from
its trunk?  Should we perhaps nip it in the bud before someone else weeds
in, maybe with a discussion on the use of root stimulators in propogation (
of ROSES of course )


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