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Poster: AlisounA@aol.com

teege1@juno.com (Thomas J Kirchner) recently posted:

> I was just sparring with some kid at a recent event and he wacked the
> p-mortal stuffings outta me... i think the pipe went the length of the
> foam.... i fight rapier and knew little of the stick jock techniques...
> ouch.

As I (and those who know him) suspected, the "kid" is indeed mine, so I want
to explain a few things about this situation -- and its background. My son,
Lord Emrys,  is 14; he has been winning boffer tourneys -- against both kids
and adults -- at local, kingdom, and Inter-kingdom levels for  5 years. He
uses the weapons, rules, and protective gear required by those running the
tourney in question. He also owns his own weapons, which he purchased at
PENNSIC several years ago. The PVC does not run quite all the way to the end,
although it is much longer than 4 inches. He does  NOT use these weapons on
anyone under 13 -- we also carry short foam "noodles" to all events for use
with (and by) little kids and adults (like myself) who don't like playing

At the event in question, Lord Thomas challenged Emrys. Thomas used Emrys's
boffer claymore, while Emrys used a boffer sword 9-10 inches shorter. Thomas
examined the swords and apparently tried to fence using the claymore. It is
neither the responsibility of my son nor of his weapons if  Lord Thomas was
quickly disarmed and "killed" -- you don't play with an unknown opponent
without discussing rules in advance, unless you are willing to accept the
consequences. If Thomas chose not to play with PVC-stiffened, padded weapons,
he was free to choose the plain foam "noodles," which were lying in plain
view and offered as an alternative. 

Emrys is not amused by the controversy sparked by this incident and has
resolved to require adults to sign waivers before accepting future

                                   Yours, in service,
                                   Alysoun Ashling
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