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Pennsic War 26 Land Allocation

Poster: Tom Bilodeau <tirloch@mindspring.com>

Greetings from Tirloch!

I dropped a note to His Grace, Finn, the Land Allocation Specialist for
this year's Pennsic War as I, too, had questions about how many
pre-registered folks in my encampment (Barony of Ponte Alto) plus what
was the number of the pre-registered folks who were my neighbors-to-be
at the war. I saw a note from Rhiannon who asked a similar question this

His Grace was quick to respond. He says that each land agent will
receive in their land packet the number of people pre-registered, PLUS
the land agents for the groups sharing the same block of land. Finn will
also be providing the email addresses for the groups so the land agents
can discuss and try to reeach consensus on land before they arrive on 2

Tom Bilodeau
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