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A&S Festival Schedule

Poster: "Robert L. Jones, Jr" <74242.2365@CompuServe.COM>

Here is a rough schedule of the happenings of the day at the Kingdom A&S

9am Site Opens and registration begins

We would like to have all entries registered by 10am

10am Children's Display

11am-1pm Judged Competition judging 

12pm Lunch will be served.

1-4pm Performance Arts Judged Competition - You must register for a specific 5
minute increment of time within these hours.

2pm-4pm Peers' Prize Tourney - If you are entering both the Judged Competition
and the Peers' Prize Tourney, you will need to pick up your entries after the
morning judging and bring them to the Peers' Prize Tourney location before 2pm.

4pm Pick up entries. 

5pm Court

7pm Masked Ball

10pm Site closes. 

The class schedule is as follows:

Dance classes taught by Giovan Donato Falconieri (tentative schedule):
10-10:30am  Black Nag, Black Almain, Earl of Salisbury Pavane
10:30-11am  Petit Vriens
11-12pm     Il Ballo del Fiore

1-1:30pm    Black Nag, Black Almain, Earl of Salisbury Pavane
1:30-2pm    Galliards
2-2:30pm    Petit Vriens
2:30-3pm    review/other dances

Other classes:
10-11am     Queen Stitch taught by Branwen Wallis (limit of 6)
            Come learn a beautiful and textural 16th century embroidery 
            stitch that is truly "fit for a queen."

            Plaited Stitch taught by Darlene O'Steen (limit of 7)
            This is another beautiful 16th century embroidery stitch, and 
            the instructor is a professional historical needlework 
            instructor (not to mention my sister).  This is also her very
            first SCA event!

11-12pm     The Tailor Shop taught by Jenny Winslow
            This "in persona" class is an inside look at the materials,
            tools, and techniques used by an Elizabethan tailor.

            The Shoemaker's Shop taught by Nicolas Trent
            Visit an Elizabethan cordwainer as he shows the process of
            making lasted shoes.

1-2pm       Courtly Love taught by Baroness Ceridwen ferch Owain

            Maskmaking taught by Sveva
            Learn basic maskmaking and decorating skills to prepare you 
            for the evening's Masked Ball.

2-3pm       Calligraphy taught by Genevieve d'Elvegast

            Ribbon Weaving   

There will also be an open bardic throughout the day hosted by Efen.
Curia will be held at the Cricket Inn on Sunday at 9am.

List Archives, FAQ, FTP:  http://sca.wayfarer.org/merryrose/
            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org