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Ponte Alto-Stierbach-St. Stephen's Needlework Nights!

Poster: karen@georesearch.com (Karen Green)

Unto all who read this message -- greetings!

Lady Muireann ni Riordain, the Arts and Sciences Officer for the Barony
of Ponte Alto, and Deirdre of Stierbach, the Arts and Sciences Officer
for the Shire of Stierbach, and I, the future Arts and Sciences Officer
for the Incipient College of St. Stephen, are pleased to announce the
Needlework Night, "sponsored" jointly by all three A&S offices.

These Needlework Nights will take place on the second Tuesday of the
month at the home of Deirdre of Stierbach (mka Holli Shan,
hshan@erols.com, 703-406-4963) and on the fourth Tuesday of the month at
the home of Karen Larsdatter (mka Karen Harris, karen@georesearch.com,
703-449-1928), starting in September.  The Needlework Nights commence at
7:30 PM.

Muireann, Deirdre, and I are all very excited about this jointly
sponsored activity, and all gentles -- whether beginners or experts --
are encouraged to attend.

And fear not!  For those of you who are distracted by the stench of
battle wafting from a vaguely northward direction, we will we sending
out a reminder about the Needlework Nights to these (and other) lists
following the Pennsic War.  :)

Yours in Service to the Dream,

Karen Larsdatter
  Future A&S Officer of the Incipient College of St. Stephen
  Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
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