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RE: Pay to vote

Poster: Caitlin Cheannlaidir <caitlin@phosphor-ink.com>

I personally would hate to see this.  I've been a paid member since 1990, the week afat hI came back from my first event.  But the fact that I'm a paid member has more to do with my fondness for the written word (I like getting the publications) than my activity level per se.  And this is a polling, not a "vote," so my guess is that the opinions voiced by houseplants and domestic pets probably don't weigh all that heavily.

I don't think that paid membership signifies much in terms of participation.  If you are concerned about limiting participation in pollings to active folks, it would make more sense to only distribute pollings at events, or require folks to supply SASE if they want one, or let the seneschal hand them out to the folks s/he thinks work hard enough to deserve a voice.  But limiting it to those who pay tribute to Milpitas doesn't gethyou there.

=Caitlin Cheannlaidir

From: 	Robin A Jensen[SMTP:griffaud@holdem.tez.net]
Sent: 	Sunday, July 20, 1997 3:08 PM
To: 	The List
Subject: 	Pay to vote

Poster: "Robin A Jensen" <griffaud@holdem.tez.net>

	Unto the Merry rose, does Niall Dolphin send greetings!

	I would like to know what people would think about a kingdom policy of pay
to vote. 
When the various baronies take a vote for their next Baron and Baroness,
some of them 
offer a part of the official polling to go to non-members to get their
opinions. In no other 
non profit organization that I know of does this happen. If I went into a
local chapat hof the 
Red Cross as someone off the street, or even as a concerned citizen, and
insisted that I should have 
a vote on the election of the local president of the chapat hwithout being
a member, I would be laughed 
out. More then once in the SCA has a polling been given and every signature
( including children and pets ) had been utilized to influence an
appointment or a decision. A pay to vote policy as far as I could tell
would give a better idea to the crown of what the opinion is of the more
active members of a group, or it would increase in membership because it
would make people get off their behinds. As far as thoes people who
consider themsleves too poor for a membership... an associate membership is
not that expensive, and even at my poorest in college did I manage to pay..
this was even before requirements for a membership for fighting.

in service to setting off bombs,
				Niall Dolphin
				(the artist formerly knows as Niall MacFarlane)
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