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Re: Pay to vote

Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>

> A pay to vote policy as far as I could tell would give a better
> idea to the crown of what the opinion is of the more active
> members of a group, or it would increase in membership because it
> would make people get off their behinds.

I have maintained membership in SCA, Incorporated, for about ten
years now, but I have not gotten off my behind for the last three
years, in that I seldom attend events and never attend baronial
or cantonese meetings.  Therefore, I would have to say that a
pay-to-vote policy would _not_ disenfranchise the less active
members of a group.

If you really want to restrict pollings to active members, I suggest
that you only solicit the pollings in places like the feast-hall
kitchen, and ask those doosers you poll not to tell their sedentary
friends about it.

-- Alfredo el Bufon
Ignorance gets us in trouble, arrogance keeps us there.

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