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Re: Pay to vote

Poster: seareach@juno.com (Bonnie  A Hindle)

M'Lord Niall,
	I would have to strongly disagree with your opinion on this
issue.  In Seareach, we have always allowed nonmembers to vote (we elect
all our officers including our Seneschal).  We have always felt that
allow a nonmember to vote makes them want to participate more and become
a greater part of the group.  We are not taking about people you show up
only on the days of the votes or people who are sporadic in attendance,
but normal regular shire members whom without them the Shire would not
run.  Seareach probably has 30 to 35 of the Kingdom roles and actually
has upwards of 40 members.  I, personally, have always felt SCA should
avoid becoming like the Jaycees and other nonprofit organizations
requiring someone to become a members BEFORE they are allowed the
opportunity to decide if  the group it for them.  Let's face it being a
SCAdian is not for everyone and it is even not for everyone who loves to
study the middle ages, (don't get me wrong I believe the SCA should be
open to everyone) but as an example there is a lady who lives within the
boundaries of Seareach, makes wonderful garb and does get research but is
physically unable to travel more then 10 or 20 minutes from her home - is
being a paid member of the SCA in her best interest??
	I don't believe this will promote membership.  A pay to vote
(also read participate on a local level) will only go to disenfranchise
the newer folks and the students and the like for whom 35$ is a lot of
money (I believe if you read Corpora you will find you have to be a full
member to vote if the pay to vote is the policy of your Barony).
	As far as polling being unprofessional (ie using pets names to
weight the Crown's opinion) - I think children if they are part of a
activite family and are old enough to chose they SHOULD be allowed to
vote:   Arehwe not supposed to be a Society based on Honor??  How can
anyone who wins through deception even pretend they can have any sort of

	Lady Alesia Gillefalyn
	Seneschal for the Shire of Seareach
	House WyldeRose
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