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Re: Pay to vote
Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>
> The decision to include non-members in the baronial polling is made by
> the baronial seneschal (Atlantian Great Book of Laws - 5.4.2). I don't
> like it either. I believe that only the individuals that have empowered
> themselves by taking the responsibility of membership should be allowed
> to counsel the crowns concerning leadership in their local branch. I
> intend to encourage our seneschal to only send pollings to members, and
> encourage the crown as much as possible to select my choice for
> Windmasters' Hill.
> Niall, to effect this change, the law must change from its current
> state.
I advise against half measures. Simply changing the law to
require seneschals to poll only members will _not_ effect the
change you seek. You must also change the law to require that a
newly crowned Sovereign and Consort must solemnly vow that
whenever anyone begins to counsel them on baronial succesion they
will quit the conversation until the gentle shows a valid
membership card, and that they will not read any letters sent to
them without a mailing label from a recent Acorn enclosed.
No, I take that back. You don't need to ask the Crown to make
such a vow, IF you institute a system of Laputian-style "flappers"
who guarentee that only members of SCA, Incorporated get a chance
to communicate with Their Majesties.
-- Alfredo el Bufon
Sustaining Member #021929
Quis lavat ipsos lavatores?
Who will wash the washmen?
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