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New Sonnet
Poster: hfeld@ids2.idsonline.com (Harold Feld)
Unto all who read these words, greetings from Mar Yaakov HaMizrachi:
Just a little something to break up the armor and politics.
Here hangs her portrait as a little girl.
I marvel how the artist deftly caught
The promise of her beauty yet unfurled,
Displaying how her bright blue eyes were fraught
With mischief and with innocence (not one
Diminishing the other) and her smile
Was sweet and warm and welcome as the Sun
On Winter snow. And how, with skill and style,
The unknown artist traced the faintest ghost
Of maiden curves and blushed the milk-white skin
Of silken cheeks, foreshadowing the host
Of charms that lay maturing hid within.
But know, my love, who has my soul beguiled,
The woman far outshines the promise of the child.
Permission is given to republish in any SCA publication, but I'd like to
know about it.
Mar Yaakov, Poeta Atlantia
Harold Feld
Yaakov HaMizrachi
"Do not ask 'Why are these days not as good as the days of old?' This
question is not prompted by wisdom." -Eccl.
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