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Polling...Was RE: Pay to Vote

Poster: Lordgaelan@aol.com

Greetings unto the cyber-enhanced populace,

I have just read the thread on Pay to "vote".

What I have noticed and may have been overlooked is that a POLLING is not a
yes or no "vote" of the candidates, but rather a method of determining good
and bad qualities of ALL the candidates.

When I completed my polling, as a paid member, several years ago for the
Baronetcy of Windmasters' Hill, I did not say I want this person above all
else and offer no other opinion for the other candidates.  I stated the good
and bad qualities that I Personnally knew of for each and every candidate
that I knew.  I also stated how active I was and how active I believed each
of the candidates to be.  I also stated whether or not I believed that
certain individuals were not active enough IMHO be suitable leaders for me.

IMO, the point of a polling is not to "vote" for an individual or couple, but
rather to provide constructive pros and cons of each candidate.  This gives
the Crowns a better understanding of the personality and qualities of each

Concerning children (under 18) having a voice in the pollings>>>
I have known 17 year olds that didn't have more than a few air molecules
floating around in their heads and have known 8yo that could state reasons
why they believed that such and such should be the next baron(ess) of the
barony.  Children under 6 generally shouldn't be polled, but if a child can
state logical reasons and complete the polling themselves, then I am all for
allowing them to be polled.   Remember the children are the future of the
Society and SHOULD be allowed to help decide the future of the Society in
their own way.

In Service to Crown and King(dom),
Lord Gaelan MacCuinneagain

These are my opinions on this matter and do not reflect the opinions of
anyone but me, unless you tell them you agree in whole or in part.

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