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Re: cambok on stilts

Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>

> If there were 5 other people with my skill at stilts, a soccer or cambok
> game would not be out of the question, so long as everyone was genteel. In
> fact, I think it is inevitable, tho I don't expect to see it have the high
> kinetic energy of regular cambok or soccer.
> At Pennsic, I plan to work with Susanna, Kendrick, and Julian, and get
> them up to speed. Stilt walking isn't that hard. It doesn't take a lot of
> practice to learn it.

Back when I live in AEthelmearc, and AEthelmearc lived in the
East, a Juggler King named Sebastion ruled the land.  I have seen
this Sebastion (now entitled Count or Earl or some such) walking
about Pennsic on stilts.  In fact, he has to walk on stilts because
of the length of white belt he wears.

So, you only need to locate him and one other grallator at Pennsic
and you will have met your quorum.

-- Alfredo
And of thir fair wlonkes, tua weddit war with lordis,
Ane wes ane wedow, I wis, wantoun of laitis.
    "The tretis of the twa mariit women and the wedo"
    William Dunbar (1460?-1520?)

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