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RE: Lyrics needed.
Poster: keithsa@microsoft.com
Greetings from Gryphon,
I'm posting this to the individual who requested the info as well as the
steps at large since there seems to be general interest in songs and
lyrics on this list. This song is a traditional Irish tune and its age
places it in the public domain (although I don't have an origin date it
is post period). The words vary somewhat depending on who sings it -
this is the version of the lyrics I use. -- Enjoy, Gryphon
Step we gaily, on we go
Heel and heel and toe for toe,
Arm in arm and row and row
All for Mairi's wedding.
Over hillways up and down
Myrtle green and bracken brown,
Past the sheilings through the town
All for sake of Mairi.
Cheeks as bright as rowans are
Bright her eyes as any star,
Fairest of them all by far
Is our darlin' Mairi.
Plenty herring, plenty meal
Plenty peat to fill her creel,
Plenty bonny bairns as well
That's the toast for Mairi.
-----Original Message-----
From: Shane A. Foster [SMTP:sorcerer@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca]
Sent: Saturday, July 12, 1997 3:19 PM
To: An-Tir Steps
Subject: Lyrics needed.
Greetings good gentles I was wondering if anyone out there could
me. I am seeking the original lyrics for 'Mairi's Wedding'. If
can help me out please respond in private.
AEthelstan of Carlisle,
Veraqualon Herald.
AEthelstan King, lord of eorls,
Ring-bestower, and also his brother,
Edmund AEtheling, won with the sword-edge
Lifelong glory in battle at Brunanburh.
- Excerpt from 'The Battle of
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