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History of a SCAdian

Poster: bribow@erols.com

How did I get started?

    Well back in about 1983 when I was at Washington University I 
stumbled upon the SCA for the first time.  The group advertised contra 
dancing in the pub, public welcome.  I had studied English contra dancing 
at my previous college and was anxious to become involved again.  So, I 
went.  The people were friendly and the music devine.  I went to a few 
more.  I managed to hook up with a few people who dragged me to an event 
in Kansas City (I believe that was the place).  Due to my total lack of 
sewing skills they lent me an outfit only 3 or 4 sizes too large.  
(Apparently it was much to the men's liking since this allowed several 
peeks that I would not usually authorize).  Unfortunately, the group I 
came with abondoned me to the four winds.  Luckily I met some other nice 
folks.  Unfortunatley they took offense to a lady being abandoned.  One 
gentleman in particular decided that he should defend my honor. He was 
very nice, I enjoyed his company over time but this was a bit much for me 
and I never returned to the group.  
   Flash to the future.  The year is 1996.  I was talking to a friend 
before a meeting was to begin at work.  I casually mention that my 
husband and I were thinking of taking up fencing together so that we 
could have a weekly activity together without the kids.  She gets excited 
and tells me that a woman who works with us is very into this group 
called the SCA.  I say, "oh." and leave it at that.  Then that very nice 
woman brings me some info.  The best thing about this info was that 
lessons were free.  Hey! That fit my budget.  We talked and the Baronness 
of Bright Hills explained the when and wherefores.  I rush home, tell my 
husband, who tells my brother in-law and then the next thing I know we 
are at a Friday night practice.  After much re-arranging of work 
schedules we get to Monday night practices (more fencing).  Now, we are 
going as much as possible.  It is very addicting.
  Personaes...hmmm.  Well being newbies we started early and are working 
our way up.  At heart we are interested in the Rennisance to Elizabethan 
era (what else with fencers, yea?!).  But, sewing continues to be a 
problem (see sewing for hire).  We both have always loved history, so 
researching a time period is not an issue, we have been reading history 
for decades. 
  The more important issue is what about our children?  We have a five 
year old and two and a half year old.  Our five year old is involved.  
She announced last year that she wanted to meet a prince and that she is 
a princess.  We then went to Highland River Forde Melee's where Milady 
Franca's son was dressed as a prince.  They had a ball playing in the 
stream. That clinched her decision, when my daughter grows up she wants 
to be Queen Elizabeth.
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