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Re: SCA, and cookies too

Poster: "Michael J. Lonski" <mlonski@aclltd.com>

At 12:23 PM 8/27/97 -0400, you wrote:
>On Wed, 27 Aug 1997, "David L. Booker" <dbooker@gte.net> wrote:
>>Okay, pass this on wherever.  I understand this originally came from a 
>>Scadian in Ansteorra. ;-) A

>>My daughter & I had just finished a salad at Neiman-Marcus Cafe in Dallas

bogus cookie story snipped...

PLEASE!!!! Spare us this kind of stuff.  I've seen this story applied
to multiple different department stores as well as the Mrs Fields chain.
It's even been written up in large newspapers (Washington DC Post, for one)
for the e-mail spam it is.  Even if jokingly repeated, it sets off a wave
of gullible folks who believe it and spread further as gospel truth.

Some suggestions from another list I subscribe to (edited to apply)...

A few OFF-TOPIC items to be particularly aware of:

1 - Virus/pager scam and other alerts. DO NOT post these here.

2 - Sad stories asking for donations for a really worthy cause (non-SCA).

3 - Sad stories warning us not to drink and drive, abuse our 
children, etc. This combines the worst aspects of 1 & 2. 

6 - Personal discussions of honor, who said what, why you are 
offended, who is coming to dinner, etc. If it is personal, do it in 

8 - Chain letters of any sort (even SCA related).

Sorry if I snapped a bit.  It's been a bad email morning and I've seen
this story way too many times (yes, more than twice).


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