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In Response to Aedan
Poster: RowenRhys@aol.com
LIGHTEN UP!!!!!!!!!
This happens to be the first time which I have seen the cookie message and I
found it quite amusing even if it is not true...when I get duplicate message
I simply delete them so as to spare myself from reading them again.
And with regards to the Virus Alert messages:
I fortunately read the one the other day before the actual damaging message
which was also in my mailbox. I find them to be of a very helpful nature and
would like to thank those who have posted both messages. Unless you are the
webminister, Lord Aedan, I feel that you can only make a request, not order
people (i.e. DO NOT post these here) as to what they can and cannot post.
Lastly, if you realize that you snapped a bit and find the need to post a
disclaimer, then I suggest that you just refrain from sending the message
altogether. Please refrain from raining on my parade and souring my mood as
well as the moods of others.
I have posted this message to the list so as to defend those who have
originally posted the messages which you chastized and to insure that a
duplicate message you will receive.
Preparing to be crucified,
Rowen ferch Rhys
Wandering in Atlantia -- on the run so that none may seek me out :-)
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