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Re: gay gordon??

Poster: Sallie Montuori <foxdale@wolfstar.com>

I said:
> >  and the dance is commonly referred to as Dance
> > of the Isles.

And Keilyn responded:
> Actually, not to be too picky, but my recollection (from years ago) is
> that there is a dance called Gay Gordon but my recollection of the one
> done regularly in the SCA is that it is Road to the Isles.

There, I *knew* there was reason I didn't consider saying that that
was its proper name!

>   And not that
> it matters much, but my recollection is that they're all way OOP....

So's Hole in the Hea-- er, Wall --  out of period, but that doesn't
stop it from being wildly popular and frequently danced anyway.

   Alys of Foxdale          Shire of Stierbach, Kingdom of Atlantia
 mka Sallie Montuori               Chantilly, Virginia, USA

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