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Re: Principalities and Population

Poster: viking@groupz.net (Doug Munitz,Sven Olafssen;Maria Munitz)

>>Greetings to Cheapside from Dafydd ap Gwystl!

 >Lady G writes:
 >> Principality??  In a kingdom this small?  Think of poor Atenveldt when it
 >> stretched from Arizona to Montana.  It takes 7 hours to speed from around
 >> Tuscon to Flagstaff.  And that's just part of ONE state.
 >Your example is poorly chosen.  That was a long time ago; the Kingdom of
 >Atenveldt now consists of nothing but Arizona.  It just finished splitting
 >off its most recent principality and is now just a single state.  In other
 >words, Atenveldt has now made itself smaller than Atlantia.
>> No, I did not choose my example poorly.  I said ,"Think of poor Atenveldt
>> WHEN it stretched from Arizona to Montana.  WHEN.  I know because I lived
>> there. Been there, done that.
>I say again, you chose your example poorly.  Atenveldt has made lots of
>principalities, and is now much smaller.  Just off the top of my head, it
>made the principalities of Meridies, Ansteorra, Outlands, the Sun, and
>>whatever the new one is (Artemisia?  Avacal?  Some A place).
My example of Atenveldt was only intended to show that people have had to
deal with greater driving distances than Atlantia has to.  Just to put
things in perspective.  Not as an argument against principalities.  Oh,
yeah, it is Artemisia.  I agree with you wholeheartedly in the need to
break kingdoms up into manageable pieces for the sake of the populace.  And
yes, I also see the eventual creation of a principality here.  It just
saddens me when I look at the historical course of principalities and think
of the eventual breakup of Atlantia.  
  :^)  Could we like wean ourselves with something like a Grand Duchy first? :^)
           This is humor folks.  
  I'm sorry if I seemed disrespectful, but your words seemed personal and I
was hurt.  A knee-jerk reaction, when mundane life has me quite vulnerable.
 But let me go on record as saying that I do agree with what you say about
the necessity of principalities, and that this kingdom is headed in that
direction. But it still seems like a sad thing to me.  And after having
been in much larger kingdoms, Atlantia does seem to be a warm and personal
kingdom by comparison.  But, like you said, over time and population
increases breaking off becomes necessary, sad, but necessary.

Respectfully yours,
your servant
Lady G  

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