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Re: Whats wrong with the SCA?

Poster: Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir <falcone@bellsouth.net>


You silly shit!!  If you want to know what's wrong with the SCA, you
never will until you overcome yourself and find out what's wrong with
you, first.

In your attempt to brand Valdemar a lecher, you left Ursula(yeah, buddy,
the one you "love" so much) looking like trash, which I know she isn't. 
BUT, you have made yourself out to be a belligerent malecontent, which I
know from experience to be the truth.  You have embarrassed your wife,
your barony, your kingdom, and probably most abhorrent, you have
humiliated your children.  Heaps of dung on you, milord!  

I just can't believe you expected to air your filthy briefs on this
mailing list and have anything at all turn to good from it.  There is
nothing obvious about your personal problems after your post; other than
you feel it fair to blame all for your problems, and take no
responsibility fro your own mistakes and short-comings.  What good did
it serve?

The rest of us should take a lesson from this exercise in futility: the
merry rose is no place to bleach your underwear.

Take your bellicose and vindictive behavior from this place and approach
me no more.  I'll have naught to do with the likes of you.

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