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Imperium Compound (song not included)

Poster: Dan Mackison <DanM@skantech.com>

Luznicky wrote:

> >
> >Hey, there, mate, what in the Known World have you been drinking, and why
> >aren't you sharing?
> >
> Isn't it OBVIOUS!  Imperium Compound.

--   I remember this drink and SONG.  The one time I had this
wonderful(?) stuff was at a Stepps event in Ansteorra sometime in the
early 1980's. This brew was shared with me by Duke Johnathan and his
wife Willow.  I have very vivid memories of it being very early in the
morning, lounging on the grass and looking up at the sky, feeling very
relaxed, not even aware that I was very BLIZED  [Please take into
consideration that I had spent 3 years in Drachenwald -where alcoholic
drinks were made by entire towns/regions - and I tried to taste all that
I could].  However that next morning with the same head -still clear-
but boy was I thirsty.  Could never get anyone to give me the recipie on
how to make this great drink.  Thank you for bringing back a wonderful
time to me.

Yours in service to the SCA
Viscountess Vincentta du Jarvin 

| Dan Mackison                          | Occasionally   |
| dan.mackison@pobox.com                | known as       |
| http://www.geocities.com/Athens/1824/ | Thomas MacFinn |
+---------------------------------------+ and            |
| Hilda Jarvis                          | Vicountess     |
| hilda.jarvis@pobox.com                | Vincetta       |
| http://www.geocities.com/Paris/6400/  | duJarvain      |

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