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Poster: Beth Morris <bmorris@access.digex.net>

Gentle friends,

As those of you who read the Acorn might know, we're on a quest for a
site for Unevent this winter and to date, I haven't received *any* real
bids.  For those of you unfamiliar with this exciting event, this is the
kingdom 'business meeting' event, wherein we get out of the way all the
tedious meetings that might otherwise have to take place at another
event.  There will be meetings for the various Orders (Kingdom and
Peerage) as well as meetings for most of the offices in the Kingdom. 
Their Majesties will also hold their Curia Regis at that time.  

Ideally I'd like a central region site which in this case would mean
anything from Caer Mear down towards about Windmaster's Hill, but I'll
look at *anything*.  We need multiple large classrooms (at least 4-5 and
with seats sized for real humans) and a common area, nearby crash space
(or cheap hotel), nearby eateries and/or a lunch provided by the local
group, a large room for Curia, parking, changing areas, etc.

The ideal dates are the first weekends in December or February.  If any
groups are interested in hosting Unevent, please contact me as soon as

Thank you!

Sometime harried Seneschale of Atlantia
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