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A kinder gentler posting

Poster: DariusUird@aol.com

    My thanks to all those who have sent me mail, both those condemning me
for speaking those who thanked me for doing so (It seems I am not the only
one who has had these problems with Valdemar and others like him).
    But I feel I must clear something up here. At no time did I condemn or
demean the SCA, I stated most emphatically that I LOVE what the SCA stands
for, I love the dream and I love most of the people.
    What I comdemn is the abusive personalities that are allowed to hurt and
to abuse others whose goals are simple and good.
   I do not recieve the merry rose so the only postings I have read are those
that have been sent to me personally (A special thanks to those of you who
wrote to me to show your support and understanding and even more to those who
have encountered even worse abuses)
               I Apologize most sincerely to those who were offended or hurt
by my words but as I have written too many times today I said things that I
felt HAD to be said (and a few that I really shouldnt have)
                       In the sincere hope that something good will come of
                           I am in your service,

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