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Re: Alter Atlantia?

Poster: seareach@juno.com (Bonnie  A Hindle)

I thinkAlfreod's ides is the best idea I have heard on the whole
Principality issue, we solve our problems of population growth and STILL
remind the rest of the Known World Atlantia is the best.;)

	Alesia (native born Atlantian whos catching up on her email after
sending her sister Emma off to Scotland - sniffle,sniffle)

On Fri, 05 Sep 1997 18:29 -0400 (EDT) "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>
>Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>
>Master Dafydd ap Gwystl writes, in part:
>D> In Atlantia 8-10 years ago, I would at least know the face of
>D> every Kingdom Order Candidate. Now, I hope to have a face for at
>D> least 50% of them.
>If the part of Atlantia where you dwell became a Principality
>would that 50% of the current Kingdom Order Candidates  (those
>that you have a face for) also reside in the Principality?
>Mar Yaakov HaMizrachi writes, in another part:
>Y> Mists and Cynagua have been Principalities for years with
>Y> absolutely no sign of wanting to "go kingdom."
>Y> I think creating a principality within Atlantia, with no
>Y> expectation that it would ever go kingdom would add fun. It would
>Y> add a layer of pagentry and a chance for folks to shoot for
>Y> something other than the crown.
>I think we'd need to do something to counteract the strong Eastern
>Rite tendency for Pricipalities to "go Kingdom".  I propse that
>we could do that by forming the Principality in the northern half
>of the Kingdom and naming it Alter Atlantia.  (You can interpret
>this as either Latin for "The Other Atlantia" or German for "The
>Elder Atlantia".)  We would call the southern half of the Kingdom
>simply Atlantia, and the two halves together, Greater Atlantia.
>This naming scheme would remind us that the Principality remained
>an integral part of the Kingdom, and have the added bonus of reminding
>all the other Laurel Kingdoms that Atlantia is greater.
>-- Alfredo
>Had I been present at the creation, I would have given
>some useful hints for the better ordering of the universe.
>   -- Alfonso the Wise (1221-1284)
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