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Master Willaim Blackfox - Memorial Service

Poster: Burke McCrory <burkemc@ionet.net>

Greetings to the Known World,

Many of you have asked about the details of Master William's Funeral.  At
this time many things are still up in the air.  Master William's body has
not yet been released to a funeral home.  So until this happens, we will
not know were to have flowers and cards sent.  The Barony of Northkeep
(Tulsa, Oklahoma), Master William's home group is planning a Memorial
service for him for next weekend.  As soon as details have been confirmed
we will pass them on to all of you.  William's family and all of Ansteorra
thanks you for the kind words and thoughts you have all expressed so far.
It is heartening to know that Master William touched so many of you and
made the Dream a little more special.  

In Service to the Dream

Sir Burke Kyriell MacDonald
Deputy Kingdom Seneschal for Ansteorra

mka. Burke McCrory
7305 Edenborough Drive
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73132
E-Mail: burkemc@ionet.net
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