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Re: kazoo!

Poster: seareach@juno.com (Bonnie  A Hindle)

Greetings Fellow Rosettes!

Henry's kazoo experience reminds me of a Shire Legend.  Once within the
Shire of Seareach lived a gentle named Lord Gavin Hawkins. (he is now in
Windmaster's Hill)   And some how one day one of us (I think it was one
of the Shire's smalls) had a kazoo at fighter practice.  Gavin and his
Lady Alyna had just gotten their first copy of "Efen's Naughty Bits"
(which gives you an idea of how long ago this really was).  Gavin had
spent all of fighter practice humming "Serfin' in the SCA".  Toward the
end of practice the kazoo and Gavin crossed paths.  He absolutely loved
it (he had a reaction similar to Henry's) ....Alyna on the other hand did
not..  (Sorry Alyna if you are out there but you HATED that kazoo.)
Gavin's kazoo disappeared somehow on the way home from fighter practice. 
Gavin went out and got himself another kazoo.  He proceeded to learn
Efen's ENTIRE Naughty Bits tape by heart on the kazoo.   But somehow when
ever he went to work or stopped practicing for awhile the kazoo would
	This was shortly before Pennsic.  
	Well on the ride to Pennsic the Shire caravaned with Alyna and
Gavin in the lead car.  Periodically everyone behind them would see a
different colored cylindrical type shape fly out of the drivers side
window.  When everyone stopped to get gas, Alyna, who had been driving
was asked what in the world was being thrown out of the car.  She replied
"KAZOOS"  Gavin had bought a entire bag of kazoos to take on his trip to
Pennsic and knowing his wife's dislike for his new found musical
'instrument' of choice he had hidden them in various places throughout
the car.
Alyna would get one from him and 10 or so minutes later he would have
sleathfully dug out another one.
	It got funnier and funnier the closer we got to Pennsic, which
would end first the trip or Gavin's supply of kazoos???  Of course we
never did tell Alyna we started buying him back up kazoos about  the time
we hit DC.
	We gave at least one kazoo to Gavin every Twelfth Night from that
Pennsic until they left Seareach.

	I hope you don't have as much trouble keeping your kazoo as Gavin
did, Henry but I do hope you have at least that much fun.  Have you tried
the "Song of Roland" yet???  (Sorry Rosiland but I had to do it).

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