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Re: kazoo!

Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>

Henry intoned:
>Yesterday, at the end of an event, some friends gave me a kazoo as a
>"token of their esteem". I had never had a kazoo before and needed
>instructions;  but I quickly got the hang of it. 

Be afraid. Be very afraid. Next he'll be juggling flaming batons while
dancing on his stilts and playing the Star Spangled Banner on the kazoo.

>Anyway, my question is this: is there anything kazoo-like that is period?
>What is there in the way of stupid instruments that are relatively easy to

Silly I can give you. Easy?? That's another topic, and not necessarily
conjoined with the first. I've always found the Serpentine a silly looking
instrument, but I doubt it's very easy to play.

You know, you could start a kazoo choir. The tenor and alto kazoos flanked
by the soprano and bass kazoos. Then if you got a visitor from Lochac he or
she could play the digirikazoo. Just a thought.

>-Henry (Look out! He's got a kazoo!) Best

You've got a kazoo in your pocket and you're not afraid to use it?

In service,

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