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RE: Awards of Arms

Poster: Becky McEllistrem <beckymc@MICROSOFT.com>

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Ed Hopkins [SMTP:Ed.Hopkins@mci.com]
> Sent:	Friday, October 24, 1997 1:43 PM
> To:	de regno pulchro
> Subject:	Awards of Arms
> Poster: Ed Hopkins <Ed.Hopkins@mci.com>
> Rebecca noted, in part:
> > Also keep in mind this is COURT BUSINESS. This is CONFIDENTIAL.
> > While some kingdoms manage scrolls the way Mistress Celynen
> > proposes, it is difficult to keep that confidentiality when large
> > scriptoriums in a local group hear about so and so getting such
> > and so a week before hand. It's better to have a set of scribes
> > (which Their Majesties have) rather than large groups knowing
> > what is happening in advance. Confidentiality is very difficult
> > to keep in large local groups.
> AFAIK, this tradition began with the old "This Is Your Life"
> TV show.  Why do we always have to surprise the recipient? 
	The recipient isn't always surprised but usually is so.  Mostly
	because this is Their Majesties' business not ours.  It's not our
	signatures that go at the bottom of these papers.  The point is
	getting hopes up.  I can't tell you the amount of promissories
	that got filled out with names, dates etc that never got handed
	out in court because either the court got rained out, the recipient
	was sick etc etc.  This is why I hate gossip about she/he's getting
a _______
	(fill in the blank).  As far as I"m concerned it's not true until I
	it announced in court.  Telling someone you're getting your Award
	of Arms and then not getting it is very heart breaking for a
	that has been waiting for quite a while.

> I wonder if some people might appreciate recieving an actual
> Award of Arms that was not a scroll at all, but rather, say,
> a cambok stick engraved with his or her name and signed by
> their Majesties.  (I know that Miri didn't have that in mind;
> I just decided to take the ball and run with it.)
	That's what part of the competition for Kingdom's Crusades
	was about.  Evidently you didn't get to see the non paper
	portion of the scroll competition. Course if it's an Award of
	Arms it still needs to SAY so.  Signatures with no other text
	doesn't say so and depending on the award it still has
	heraldry requirements.  If it doesn't then it turns the cambok
	stick into a gift rather than an Award of Arms - course that's not
	too shabby of a gift.

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