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Re: Awards of Arms

Poster: Heather Swann <swannh@psi.com>

At 02:43 PM 10/24/97 -0400, Ed Hopkins wrote:
>Poster: Ed Hopkins <Ed.Hopkins@mci.com>
>Rebecca noted, in part:
>> Also keep in mind this is COURT BUSINESS. This is CONFIDENTIAL.
>> While some kingdoms manage scrolls the way Mistress Celynen
>> proposes, it is difficult to keep that confidentiality when large
>> scriptoriums in a local group hear about so and so getting such
>> and so a week before hand. It's better to have a set of scribes
>> (which Their Majesties have) rather than large groups knowing
>> what is happening in advance. Confidentiality is very difficult
>> to keep in large local groups.
>AFAIK, this tradition began with the old "This Is Your Life"
>TV show.  Why do we always have to surprise the recipient? 
>Rebecca went on to say:
>> Course then you have the OTHER debate - is it fair to have
>> someone get a scroll while others have waited 5 years. That one I
>> don't worry about. I just want to get the job done.
>Perhaps we could mitigate this problem by keeping the tradition
>of confidentiality before the awarding, and adding a tradition of
>confidentiality _during_ and _after_.  Those worthy but scroll-less
>gentles won't resent the scrolls of the less worthy if they don't
>know about them.

Actually, I think if it were handled by alerting one of the folks who sent
in a recomendation letter, and asking them to pick a scribe, or assigning
it to an Atlantian scribe and giving them the contact info for the
recomending person, then we could as scribes do these scrolls beforehand
and personalize them in nifty ways so it's fun for everyone and causes no
backlog.  If you're worried about confidentiality, just have the scribe and
anyone else involved give you an oath of confidentiality.  That's what we
used to do....
>Miri suggested elliptically...
>> Perhaps buy a couple of tubes of guache for a scribe....some
>> sheet music for a musician...contribute materials for loaner
>> garb.......donate some games.........think of it like a gift for
>> a bard......you've been entertained, and now you're giving a
>> token of your thanks.
>> It's a simple thing, but I think it would be appreciated.
>I wonder if some people might appreciate recieving an actual
>Award of Arms that was not a scroll at all, but rather, say,
>a cambok stick engraved with his or her name and signed by
>their Majesties.  (I know that Miri didn't have that in mind;
>I just decided to take the ball and run with it.)
>-- Alfredo
I think someone just wants a fancy cambok stick........  ;)

Seriously, though, here's a thought- for those who don't have arms and will
never register them (say their persona is a peasant and they've sworn never
to register arms), and who might want this alternative instead, it's an
idea......the people who send in the recomendation could contribute the
cambok stick/carved box/whatever to be presented.  It would give other
artisans a chance to show off as well.....

What think you all?  Is this possible?  Obviously stupid?  Possible, but
should be modified...?

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