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Re: SCA History - Salt Wars

Poster: Tom Rettie <tom@his.com>

At 12:10 PM 10/28/97 -0500, Heather Swann wrote:

>>>       Correction to the history of Salt/Walt Wars. The first was held 
>>>at Kings Mountain State Park NC/SC in 1982. The second was in Georgia, 
>>>just south of Fort Stewart, I believe. I remember the long car ride. I 
>>>was at both and have pictures of both events. 

>IIRC, the second Salt War (called Border War) was at King's Mt.  I remember
>because we drove all the way from Isenfir late at night, and there was so
>much water on the road at one point that I got teased mercilessly by my
>companions for driving through a lake!  

This is correct.  The first Salt War was in (near?) Saltville, VA (thus the
name), and was at least a year before I joined the SCA.  That was the one
with snow, bitter cold, and a three mile hike uphill both ways to the
latrine -- the one that makes the rest of us hold our manhoods cheap and
curse that we were not there too.

My first SCA camping event was Second Salt War (aka Border War) in 1982
IIRC.  King's Mountain sounds right.  Not so cold, no snow, and cabins with
electricity (hey, electric hot pots can be a real plus on a cold night).  I
was not yet authorized so my armor fought without me (Lord Iain borrowed it
for a battle).  And there were lines of tall Roman shields.

My memory is dim (on this, among other things), but as I recall "Border
War" did then move further south, and Tax Assessment later served as a
"replacement" event for those wanting to camp and fight closer to home.

Your servant,


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