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Re: Heralds Quarterly Reports

Poster: "David Ritterskamp" <blackbow@sprynet.com>

But then what would the rest of us do for entertainment? ;>

J. Blackbow
-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Christopher Boggs <scboggs@erols.com>
To: atlantia <atlantia@atlantia.sca.org>
Date: Thursday, November 06, 1997 2:19 PM
Subject: Heralds Quarterly Reports

>Poster: Stephen Christopher Boggs <scboggs@erols.com>
>Listen folks,
> This isn't getting us anywhere. If you have read "Heralds Point" 
>and then looked at the paperwork that we need to submit, it really isn't 
>that much or that hard.   Just do the paperwork, send it in and be done 
>with it.   It's only four times a year.   I admit that I have missed a 
>deadline or two, and I appologize, but I do the work. Get it done and 
>turn it in. Stop arguing about "red tape", etc.
>I remain,
>Cristopharus filius Philippi
>Cornet, College of Yarnvid/Barony of Caer Mear
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