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Re: Fw: Surviving Honor

Poster: Kevin Maxson <kevin@maxson.com>

Lance Harrop wrote:
> Still, I think travelling, communication, and courtesy to your opponents
> is useful in maintaining the skill of acknowledgement and a reputation of
> honor.

While helping to do authorizations at Crown Tourney this month, the MiC
had a couple of fighters from Trimaris to test.

Perhaps I'm well surrounded geographically in Atlantia, but I found it
odd that he specifically mentioned, "We're known for hitting and taking
harder in Atlantia, I want to forewarn you so you don't get the wrong
idea."  Before the authorization bouts started, the traveller asked for
a calibration exchange.  I was proud to see such constructive
exercises.  I think we should do this for every authorization, whether
Atlantia native or not.

|+^+|  Kevin of Thornbury
|/+\|  (mka Kevin Maxson)
 \_/   kevin@maxson.com   http://www.atlantia.sca.org
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