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WHY the Telemarketers and Junk Mail

Poster: rmhowe <magnusm@ncsu.edu>


This is a public service message, not junk mail. You might well
be interested in reading it. I won't profit. You will.

I was just reading the most recent cable bill fine print.

Wonder WHY you get so many phone calls and so much junk mail?
Here's one reason.

There is a little bit buried way down in the Privacy Notice
from Time Warner. It seems the new Cable Bill allows them to
release your name and address to just about anyone unless you

"We typically provide names and addresses of subscribers to
third parties as OFTEN as requested. If you wish to have
us remove your name from such lists contact us at the system
office..."  "We will not then make your name and address 
available for such non-cable purposes." (Excerpts)

"Unless you object, the Cable Act also allows us to disclose
information to others, including advertisers and direct mail or
TELEMARKETERS, for non-cable related purposes, including product
advertising, direct marketing, and research." (Excerpt)

For Time Warner that number would be 1-800-255-6565.

If you don't have Time Warner, your company has the same right.

I called, why don't you? Save the trees, eat dinner in peace,
sleep better on the weekends. Have a nicer day. 

In service,
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