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Re: [fwd] [EK] SCA in Russia calling for help!

Poster: Scott Law <law@fluky.Mitre.org>

>>To: meridies@web.ce.utk.edu
>>Subject: [TY] SCA in Russia calling for help!
>>-- [ From: Patricia M. Hefner * EMC.Ver #2.5.3 ] --
>>Greetings! I have just gotten a message that a lord from Germany is
>>trying to organize some help for some people in Vladimir, Russia, who
>>want to join the SCA and start a Shire.
>>This is about 100 miles east of Moscow. It's not exactly going to be
>>easy for them, and they need help. The German plans to put together a CD
>>-ROM of information about the SCA as Russia does not have a working mail
>>service. Also, these people are not able to do much in the way of
>>traveling and it would be treacherous for anyone to try to go there and
>>teach. They need information about the SCA, classes, articles, and
>>videos showing SCA activities such as fighting, courts, or A&S
>>competitions. They also need armor samples and garb patterns. If you're
>>interested in helping these people bring the Current Middle Ages to life
>>in Russia, please e-mail me and I'll give you more info. Merci beaucoup!
>>Yours in Service,

  First we were smuggling Bibles into Russia, then blue jeans...


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