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Midwinter's Tale Change
Poster: terry_buyers@catbox.win.net (Terry Buyers)
Last minute change to Minwinter's Tale event at Border Vale's Keep:
Girl Scouts gave us all of two week's notice that the camp was being used by
someone who's 'priority was prior', and we could not use any of the buildings
during the day.
Since we can't depend on good weather courtesy of El Nino, the site has been
changed to the New Ellenton Civic Center. There is a large hall with kitchen
for merchants, hanging out, and feasting. There is also a large covered picnic
ramada thingy that we can fight under if it gets wet.
The down side... no cabins/camping at the site. But, tent space and some crash
space is available at our house which is just across the park from the Center
- about a 5 minute slow walk. And in their typical, friendly fashion, the
folks of BVK have offered their homes to travelers in need of a place to doss.
New Ellenton is on Highway 19 south of Aiken, SC, a few miles north of where
19 intersects Hwy. 278. Just south of the (only) traffic light is the Town
Hall/Police Station. One block south of the light turn east between the
parking lot and the auto parts store. You will see a big park on the left.
Take the first right, Civic Center is last building on the left. Parking wraps
around on the side street, don't block the fire station drive.
To get to our house, turn east at the traffic light, house is the last on the
block on the right. Big side yard with trees is the camping area. We'll
probably have a bonfire in the yard late in the evening, firepit will be
marked out. Address is 122 George Street.
Hours: 0900-2100 at the Civic Center, cleanup afterwards to get our $50
deposit back. Bonfire and 'quiet' bardic in the yard until whenever. Same
prices as published.
Merchants have first priority on the hall for most of the day - but please be
able to clear out by 1700 so we can set up for the semi-potluck. Border Vale
Keep is providing two turkeys (quiet Sven, not you) and a ham, various members
of the Shire will have stews, munchies, and the like. Other edible
contributions are encouraged.
Still fighting and arts competitions during the day. There will be prizes.
Reservations/inquiries to Junella Ferch Balin (803)652-3759. BBS is up on this
number 2200-0800. Email to terry_buyers@catbox.win.net
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