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Crass Commercial Announcements

Poster: Mark Cassells <cstlmark@fred.net>

Greetings Lords and Ladies;

Most of you know me, know me as Mustafa, the itinerant drummer from the
north.  I have a question to put before you.

Having been a mead maker for some years, I have searched out the sources of
many varietal honeys, from Tulip Poplar to Heather, and thus my small
business was born.

I currently have about 20 different honeys available, and a web page,
<discounts for SCA>.  How do I best get that information out to the world
without offending my compatriots at the Merry-Rose?


            Mustafa al-Wali
             Drummer, lover, rake, and all around good guy.



            Mustafa al-Wali
             Drummer, lover, rake, and all around good guy.



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