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RE: Crass Commercial Announcements
Poster: Mike Dullaghan <michael.f.dullaghan@adn.alcatel.com>
On 04-Dec-97 Mark Cassells wrote:
>I currently have about 20 different honeys available, and a web page,
><discounts for SCA>. How do I best get that information out to the world
>without offending my compatriots at the Merry-Rose?
My lord, I believe you just have. :-)
Michael the Eclectic, House Falconguard, Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia.
Vert, on an inverted chevron or, a reremouse(bat) displayed sable.
Armed man = citizen. Unarmed man = subject.
Of course these are MY opinions! Whattya think, my EMPLOYER
could've thought this stuff up?
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