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Re: Principality Discussion

Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>

Dafydd wrote:
>The principality discussion is going great guns on the principality
>discussion list -- nearly 200 messages in two days.  The principality
>discussion list is the place for this debate.  We don't want to swamp the
>Rose, and force the debate onto those who are not interested in it.

To add to what his Excellency has said here, crossposting to both lists
should be kept to zero if at all possible. Those of who are subscribed to
both lists don't really need our mailboxes stuffed with duplicate mail.
With the P List generating 200 messages in only two days, if just five
percent of those are crossposted, the number of messages that hits my box
goes up to 210, and the disk usage charge at Digex includes the emailbox.

Thank you for your consideration.

In service,

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