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Re: [EK] Operation Renaissance Persona

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  The SCA started as a party in costume.  Nothing more.

Well, it *can* be more, and I suspect that is what the original poster

Speaking only for myself, I find that I use the SCA for too many purposes
for things to work as the original poster desires.

I joined the SCA for the people, and to play a game.  Over the many years, I
have made too many wonderful friends.  I say too many, because I cannot keep
up with them all, no matter how hard I try.

Frequently, when arriving or attending events, I spend some "face time"
catching up with these friends, and enjoying their company.  Not just as
part of a game, but as whole people.  "How is graduate school", "Is your
mother feeling better", that sort of thing.

Perhaps it is wrong for me to do so: but it's certainly something that I
would like to continue doing.  Of course, someone just overhearing our
conversation may sniff and think "if they don't want to play our game, why
don't they stay home."

I do want to play the game, and I do play it.  But sometimes I just want to
say (as I did at the last event I attended) "Carl, how are you?>  I haven't
seen you for a while at events, is everything alright?  You're working 50
hours a week, and in school?  How wonderful, what are you studying?
Computers?  How exciting!  I remember when...."

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