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Persona Crap

Poster: "Efenwealt Wystle" <efen@hotmail.com>

What makes a persona? What makes you in or out of "persona". Its seems 
to me everyone has a very different view on this.

Some think its okay to drink coke from a can.

Some think its okay to drink coke but from something other than a can. 
Maybe a glass bottom aluminum "tavern mug"

Some think its okay to drink coke, but from a hand made, carefully 
researched drinking vessel.

Some think its okay to drink coke from a can as long as your garb is 
carefully researched.

Some think its wrong to drink coke altogether. You should brew MEAD!

Some people think you should put the mead you make in a hand made glass 
or pottery container (depending on persona and economic situation).

Some think its okay to drink the coke as long as you don't call it that. 

Some think its best to offer coke or mead to all your friends. Offering 
mead to the king is okay, but I think he likes beer.

Some think its best to offer coke (or water) to bards, because bards get 
very silly when they drink mead.

Some think its okay to drink mead from a coke can - not many, but some.

Some think you should only drink homemade mead from a carefully 
researched, handmade drinking vessel while wearing carefully researched, 
handmade garb woven from wool you spun from sheep you raised yourself.

Some don't drink coke or mead.

Some drink too much coke and mead, and not enough vegetables.

Some think you should only eat period vegetables instead of modern 
hybrids and definately not from coke cans nor anything fashioned from 

Some people think its okay to drink coke from a can in your own 

Some people think that's only okay if you made the pavillion yourself 
and no one else is in the pavillion.

Some people simply object to being photographed while drinking coke from 
a can.

Some people don't like cameras.

Some people make armour from coke cans. 

Most think that is very wrong.

Some use coke as a prelude to a belching competition (Dr. Pepper works 

Some want to see documentation that they ever held belching competitions 
in period. Nevermind the coke. 
Some think its neat to tie coke cans to the back of their carefully 
researched, handmade Celtic War Chariot.

I COULD keep going, but I won't.
If you think this is funny please feel pass it on.

Lord Efenwealt Wystle (aka Scott F. Vaughan) efen@hotmail.com
Militant Society of Bards, Sacred Brotherhood of the Flaming Jackass,
Merchant & Minstrel
Canton of Elvegast, Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia

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