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Re: Weather and road conditions

Poster: CHalstead <CHalstead@aol.com>

In a message dated 97-12-31 13:31:17 EST, corun@access.digex.net writes:

> Whistlin' Anne of Carthew wrote:
>  >
>  >Corun MacAnndra wrote:
>  >
>  >> But just in case, I think Ponte Alto will be able to supply plenty of
>  >> shovels for everyone. <G>
>  >> 
>  >Ah, dear Corun, shovels won't be necessary ...unless your repartee gets
>  >too deep! 
>  Are you suggesting that we might get hip deep in wit?
Well, cuz, hip deep in *something*, anyway...

Baroness Caitlyn of Ponte Alto
Paranoid watcher of the Weather Channel
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