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[fwd] SC Feast n the law

Poster: James and/or Nancy Gilly <KatieMorag@worldnet.att.net>

Forwarded, with permission from Elaina (who tells me that there may still be
those in Storvik who remember this).

Sounds like a really neat idea to me!

Alasdair mac Iain

>Hope this is relevant, since I'm not on top of all the postings.  Some
>years ago we did a 'church dinner' for the site in our barony that was
>serving as a regular SCA hall.  (we even had our own key!)
>It was one of the best 'events' I've ever done and I still treasure the
>photos taken there.  We cooked a three course meal.  We had dancing, a
>masaque, and musical entertainment.  We had carving and serving lessons
>and served dinner with three 'attendants' per table.  We had a lord and
>lady and their page sit at high table and 'host' the hall.  Every SCA
>person there was there as a servant or entertainer.  Those feasting were
>the church members  sitting in their own hall and oohing and aahing about
>how it looked like a different place.
>The church advertised this in their bulletin and people paid $5 per head
>for the dinner.  we were given the entire amount, spent most of it on food
>and decoration, but still ended up with $100 for the baronial treasury.
>It was great!  And, ya' know, the folks at that church really liked and
>trusted us.  didn't think we were weird or 'satanic' or anything.  they
>-knew- what we were doing and thought it was a fun hobby.

James and/or Nancy Gilly


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